Friday, 2 February 2007

1 down, 11 to go...

This is a photo of one of my dogs, Findlay - I adopted him from the Animal Charity I work for and this was taken at lunchtime today on our walk. Not a bad way to spend lunch, out in the fresh air and January sunshine with your two dogs (and usually about 10 others!). Fin has stolen both my other dog's (Tig)sticks and was taunting her with them. He's a horror sometimes.
The injections?? yeah, well, OK, OK, so it wasn't that bad. Yes, I feel a bit silly for hyping it up in my own mind - like lots of things in life, the anticipation was far worse than the actual event!

It MIGHT have been made better by my husband turning up with flowers (and some of my favourites, too!!) and making me dinner from ingredients he had gone out and bought in his lunch time..!! I know! ("would the real Husband please stand up")... Joking aside, it made for a wonderful evening, and definitely helped. The glass of wine may have contributed too...

So, as I'm a "weekday" blogger, nothing more to add till Monday... To the two people reading this (oh, one of you stopped?), thanks for your support, and we'll see what happens next... in the meantime, I have more dog walks and flowers to admire...


Alex Briggs said...

Now I see the two sticks

The latest DI story just made me think of u

Nicolefenx said...

Now I see the two sticks The latest DI story just made me think of u