Monday, 12 March 2007

....and now for something completely different!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.- Lao Tzu

I have been lost in a daze of "pregnant" for the past week, but stumbled acorss this amazing photo today, which I couldn't resist.

This crystal cave has just been found in the Naica Mine, Chihuahua Mexico.

These are Selenite crystals (gypsum) and are the largest crystals ever discovered. They are 1000 feet down in a limestone host rock where they are mining for lead, zinc and silver.

These crystals were formed by hydrothermal fluids emanating from the magma chambers below. The miners had to drill through the Naica fault, which they were
worried would flood the mine, and this is what they discovered!!

Isn't it amazing?!

Mother nature at her most incredible!


thailandchani said...

Indeed it is! It's beautiful!

If it wasn't for natural beauty, I doubt any of us could live here.




Rachel Briggs said...

how true, Chani.

I was working in my garden yesterday (new house, so it's all a surprise!), finding tiny buds - the whole Spring stretching ahead... gives you hope for everything, huh?

Deanna Heaslet said...

Oh, Rachel, how incredible! Thanks for posting that...must go see more of it...

Rachel Briggs said...

thanks Posybunny - if you have an email address, I could send you some more!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel--alluring pic. And "hydrothermal fluids emanating from the magma chambers" is a mouthful (smile).
OK--spring is my absolute favorite season. When trees and flowers explode into all those amazing colors. Waiting for its arrival.
Love your blog and would like to link blogs, Rachel--is that OK with you?

Rachel Briggs said...

the new parent

a link would be great... thanks! Agree about the Spring - especially wonderful to be newly pregnant at this time, I remember how tough it was last year with new growth everywhere!

Anonymous said...

I think the energy of spring is so helpful in replenishing our spirits.