Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Rollercoaster Week

Thank you to everyone who has shown so much interest in my Mum's recovery. It has been very touching and I have been moved by your comments very much.

After a pretty horrendous experience during the operation (imagine someone with a hammer and chisel taking off your hip bone whilst you're conscious - I am not joking), and the first night in intense pain, she is well on the road to recovery.

It has been an exhausting roller-coaster, but thank God we are now on the gentler slope!

We're all going to the hospital again tonight to see her, and she sounded bright and "normal" this morning.

So, hopefully, things will continue to improve!

I am having a tiny bit of bleeding at the moment, so I'm obviously concerned about the baby, but trusting all is well and keeping focussed on our healthy little star growing the way it should be inside me.

What a week...!


Anonymous said...

thinking of you today...

Girlplustwo said...

very good news about your mum, and now, good thoughts for you too.

rest and peace.

Rachel Briggs said...

mamalee and Jen, thank you

Anonymous said...

If anyone has been operated on they know what it's like. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Rachel Briggs said...

the new parent - thank you for your kind words

Julie Pippert said...

P&PTs to her for a speedy recovery and to you for a H&H 9 months.

You've seen your doctor?

Rachel Briggs said...

THank Julie,

I rang - I have a scan on Thursday this week so they said they'd wait till then... but everything has stopped now, so I am quite sure all is well.
